Category Ayurvedic Products

Ayurvedic products are derived from the ancient traditional medicine system of India called Ayurveda. These products typically consist of natural ingredients such as herbs, minerals, and other substances. Ayurvedic products are known for their holistic approach to health and well-being, aiming to balance the body, mind, and spirit. They are often used in various forms such as herbal supplements, oils, powders, and natural skincare products. Ayurvedic products are believed to offer a gentle and natural way to promote overall wellness, addressing various health concerns and supporting the body’s natural healing processes.

Liver Tonic

This supports healthy liver function & good for regular use Usage: For the prevention and treatment of liver damage due to excessive alcohol, viral hepatitis and other liver diseases. Cue for pre-cirrhotic conditions and early cirrhosis, loss of appetite and…

Kosala Cough Syrup

Manufactured according to a traditional family reciepe.Kosala cough syrup is effective agains Cough, Cold, Asthma,Chest pains and ideal medicine for all types of chest ailements. Dosage: Children: 2 Tea spoonfuls 4 times a day Adults: 1 Table spoonfuls-4 times a…

Hand Made Shampoo Bar

Natural herbal soaps collection, crafted with care to provide gentle cleansing and nourishment for your skin. Our range features a blend of time-honored herbs and botanical extracts, formulated to cater to diverse skin needs. From soothing sensitive skin to invigorating…


Benefits: For hyperacidity,gastric discomfort,Indigestion,Constipation,Bowel Irregularity,flatulence,improves eyesight,purifies blood and stress related disorders. How to use: 2 tablets twice a day as required or directed by a physician. For constipation and bowel irregularity take 2 to 4 tablets. After dinner as required.…


Immune enhancing medicinal drink. Directions for use: Add ½ tea spoon of powder to 1 cup of boild water and keep for 8-10 minutes. Strain and drink. Use twice per day Ingredients: Coriander(Coriandrum Sativum),Weniwalgata(Coscinium Fenestratum),Dry Ginger(Zingiber Officinale),Heen Aratta(Alpinia Calearata)