Category Oils

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is mainly used for frying and roasting and make margarine. It contains high amounts of the essential fatty acid, linoleic acid. Benefits:

Kids Hair Oil

Good for Cold, Congestion of breathing over flowing of scab, tearing, sneezing and minor allergies. Helps prevent lightening of hair colour and improves hair growth. Usage: Good for daily use. Ingredients: Justicia adhatoda-Pawatta,Vetiveria zizanioides-Sawandara,Santalum album-Sandalwood,Ruta graveolens-Aruda,Tringonella foenum-Fenugreek,King Coconut,Sesemi Oil

Soolahara Oil (සූලහාර තෙල්)

Recommended as an external application for muscular pains in the chest and limbs. Excellent application for joint pains, contusion and sprains Ingrediants: Mustard seeds (Brassica juncea), Mee thel (Madhuca longifolia) , Wandu kapuru, Walmee (Glycyrrhiza glabra) , Turpentine and etc.

Kapuru Oil

Excellent remedy for nasal congestion of adults and children, relives breathing difficulties and cures phlegmatic condition due to throat muscular disorders. Proven remedy for joint pains and sprains Dose: Few drops Usage: As and when required. Ingrediants: Wandu kapuru (Cinnamomum…

Batu Thel (බටු තෙල්)

Batu Thel Especially good for children with oil types of cough symptoms such as bronchitis, wheezing, asthma, whooping cough and lung infections. For effective results this oil can be applied on chest and head *Disclaimer used internally with soft sugar…