Category Consumers

Consumers, in the context of eating, are individuals who purchase and use food and beverage products for personal consumption. These individuals play a crucial role in shaping food trends and influencing the food industry. Their preferences and dietary choices impact the demand for various food products, leading to the development of new food items, dietary trends, and consumption patterns. Understanding consumers’ eating habits and preferences is essential for food producers, retailers, and marketers in catering to their needs and providing products that align with their tastes and nutritional requirements.

Kollu /Horse gram

Benefits:  How to consume: Horse gram is featured in a variety of dishes.In fact, horse gram is often used in dishes like soups, stir-fries, curries, and dals. Most recipes involve soaking or sprouting the seeds before boiling or pressure cooking…

Himalayan Pink Salt

Benefits: How to use: You Can Eat It or Cook With It. In general, you can cook with pink Himalayan salt just like you would with regular table salt.Put it in sauces and marinades or add it to your food…